Dr. Lucy Aplin
Research Group Leader, Max Planck Institute of Animal Behaviour - Biology (A1), Collective Behaviour (D)
Phone: +49 7732 1501-13Website Write an e-mail
Dr. Maria Viola Asri
Postdoctoral researcher, Department of Economics and the Thurgau Institute of Economics, Economics (C1), Inequality (F)
Phone: +49 7531 88-5615Post office box: 94
Website Write an e-mailTenure-Track-Prof. Dr. Armin Bahl
Emmy Noether Group Leader Neurobiology - Biology (A1), Collective Behaviour (D)
Phone: 07531 88 - 2624Room: M1104
Post office box: PF 623
Website Write an e-mailJun.-Prof. Dr. Aurélia Bardon
Research Group for Political Theory - Inequality (F), Politics and Public Administration (C2)
Phone: +49 7531 88 2246Post office box: 81
Write an e-mailProf. Dr. Clemens Bechinger
Research Group Soft Matter - Physics (A2), Collective Behaviour (D)
Phone: +49 7531 88-2955Post office box: 688
Website Write an e-mailProf. Dr. Jan Beran
Research Group Statistics - Statistics (A4), Decision Sciences (E)
Phone: +49 7531 88 2653Post office box: 149
Website Write an e-mailProf. Dr. Michael Berthold
Chair of Bioinformatics and Data Mining - Biology (A1), Collective Behaviour (D)
Phone: +49 7531 88-2202Room: Z813
Website Write an e-mailProf. Dr. Sabine Boerner
Chair of Management (Strategy & Leadership) - Politics and Public Administrations (C2), Decision Sciences (E)
Phone: +49 7531 88-3058Room: D317
Website Write an e-mailProf. Dr. Christian Breunig
Chair of Comparative Politics - Politics and Public Administrations (C2), Decision Sciences (E), Inequality (F)
Room: D313
Website Write an e-mailProf. Dr. Ralf Brüggemann
Chair of Statistics and Econometrics - Economics (C1), Decision Sciences (E)
Phone: +49 7531 88-2643Post office box: 129
Website Write an e-mailDr. Maarten Buis (HD)
Junior Lecturer in Statistics for the Social Sciences - Sociology (B2), Decision Sciences (E), Inequality (F)
Phone: +49 7531 88 3300Post office box: 040
Website Write an e-mailProf. Dr. Marius Busemeyer
Chair of Policy Analysis and Political Theory - Politics and Public Administrations (C2), Decision Sciences (E) Inequality (F)
Phone: +49 7531 88-2860Room: Y206
Website Write an e-mailProf. Dr. Miriam Butt
Chair of General and Computational Linguistics - Linguistics (B1), Inequality (F)
Phone: +49 7531 88-5109Post office box: 184
Website Write an e-mailJun.-Prof. Dr. Adrian Chadi
Junior Professor for Personnel Economics - Economics (C1), Decision Sciences (E), Inequality (F)
Phone: +49 7531 88-3455Website Write an e-mail
Prof. Dr. Iain Couzin
Director of Max Planck Institute of Animal Behavior, Chair of Biodiversity and Collective Behaviour - Biology (A1), Collective Behaviour (D)
Phone: +49 7531 88-4915Post office box: 616
Website Write an e-mailEinat Couzin Ph.D.
Group Leader, Neurobiology - Biology (A1), Collective Behaviour (D)
Phone: +49 7531 88 2264Post office box: 624
Website Write an e-mailProf. Dr. Margaret Crofoot
Director of Max Planck Institute of Animal Behavior, Humboldt Professor - Biology (A1), Collective Behaviour (D)
Phone: +49 7531 88-5450Website Write an e-mail
PD Dr. Dina Dechmann
Research Scientist, Max Planck Institute of Animal Behavior - Biology (A1), Collective Behaviour (D)
Phone: 07532 150173Website Write an e-mail
Prof. Dr. Oliver Deussen
Chair of Visual Computing - Collective Behaviour (D)
Phone: +49 7531 88 2778Post office box: 698
Website Write an e-mailProf. Dr. Claudia Diehl
Chair of Microsociology - Sociology (B2), Decision Sciences (E), Inequality (F)
Phone: +49 7531 88 2682Post office box: 32
Website Write an e-mailProf. Dr. Regine Eckardt
Chair of General and Germanic Linguistics - Linguistics (B1), Inequality (F)
Phone: +49 (0)7531 88 3640Post office box: 191
Website Write an e-mailProf. Dr. Steffen Eckhard
Juniorprofessor for Public Administration and Organization Theory - Politics and Public Administrations (C2), Decision Sciences (E), Inequality (F)
Phone: +49 7531 88 2161Room: D224
Post office box: 89
Write an e-mailProf. Christina Felfe de Ormeño Ph.D.
Chair of Applied Microeconomics - Economics (C1), Decision Sciences (E), Inequality (F)
Phone: +49 7531 88-2568Room: F220
Post office box: 135
Website Write an e-mailProf. Dr. Sebastian Findeisen
Chair of Economic Policy - Economics (C1), Decision Sciences (E), Inequality (F)
Phone: +49 7531 88-2120Room: F 211
Post office box: 138
Website Write an e-mailProf. Dr. Urs Fischbacher
Chair of Behavioural Economics - Economics (C1), Collective Behaviour (D), Decision Sciences (E), Inequality (F)
Phone: +49 7531 88-2652Room: F315
Website Write an e-mailProf. Dr. Marcel Fischer
Chair of Finance - Economics (C1), Decision Sciences (E)
Phone: +49 7531 88-2645Post office box: 147
Website Write an e-mailDr. Andrea Flack
Max Planck Institute of Animal Behavior - Biology (A1), Collective Behaviour (D)
Phone: +49 7732 1501-26Website Write an e-mail
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Gaißmaier
Chair of Social Psychology and Decision Sciences - Psychology (A3), Collective Behaviour (D), Decision Sciences (E), Inequality (F)
Phone: +49 (0)7531 88 3024Post office box: 43
Website Write an e-mailProf. Dr. Giovanni Galizia
Chair of Neurobiology - Biology (A1), Collective Behaviour (D)
Phone: +49 7531 88-2238Post office box: 623
Website Write an e-mailDr. Dipl.-Psych. Helge Giese
Research Scientist, Social Psychology and Decision Sciences - Psychology (A3), Collective Behaviour (D), Decision Sciences (E)
Phone: +49 7531 88-3487Post office box: 43
Website Write an e-mailProf. Dr. Bastian Goldlücke
Chair of Computer Vision and Image Analysis - Collective Behaviour (D)
Phone: +49 7531 88 2383Post office box: 698
Website Write an e-mailProf. Dr. Susanne Goldlücke
Chair of Microeconomic Theory - Economics (C1), Collective Behaviour (D), Decision Sciences (E)
Phone: +49 (0) 7531 88 2989Post office box: 150
Website Write an e-mailProf. Dr. Michael Grossniklaus
Chair of Database and Information Systems - Collective Behaviour (D)
Phone: +49 7531 88-4434Room: PZ806
Website Write an e-mailJun.-Prof. Dr. Axinja Hachfeld
Substitude Professor for Educational Science - Sociology (B2), Inequality (F)
Phone: +49 7531 88 4144Post office box: 45
Website Write an e-mailProf. Dr. Volker Hahn
Chair of Monetary Macroeconomics - Economics (C1), Decision Sciences (E)
Phone: +49 7531 88-3424Post office box: 143
Website Write an e-mailProf. Dr. Thomas Hinz
Chair of Empirical Social Research - Sociology (B2), Collective Behaviour (D), Decision Sciences (E), Inequality (F)
Phone: +49 7531 88 2349Post office box: 40
Website Write an e-mailProf. Dr. Anke Höffler
Alexander von Humboldt Professorship of Development Research - Politics and Public Administrations (C2), Decision Sciences (E), Inequality (F)
Phone: +49 7531 88-4801Room: D204
Website Write an e-mailProf. Dr. Boris Holzer
Chair of General Sociology and Macrosociology - Sociology (B2), Inequality (F)
Phone: +49 7531 88-2350Post office box: 028
Website Write an e-mailProf. Dr. Katharina Holzinger
Chair of International Relations and Conflict Management - Politics and Public Administrations (C2), Decision Sciences (E), Inequality (F)
Phone: +49 7531 88 2272Post office box: 201
Website Write an e-mailDr. Alexander Horn
Emmy Noether Research Group Leader, „Varieties of Egalitarianism“ - Politics and Public Administrations (C2), Inequality (F)
Phone: +49 7531 88-4791Post office box: 94
Website Write an e-mailProf. Dr. Jens Jackwerth
Chair of Financial Economics - Economics (C1), Decision Sciences (E)
Phone: +49 7531 88 2196Post office box: 134
Website Write an e-mailDr. Alex Jordan
Research Scientist, Max Planck Institute of Animal Behavior - Biology (A1), Collective Behaviour (D)
Post office box: 616
Website Write an e-mailDr. Fumihiro Kano
Junior Group Leader, Center of Advanced Study of Collective Behaviour, Collective Behaviour (D)
Room: ZT 903
Website Write an e-mailProf. Dr. Daniel Keim
Chair of Data Analysis and Visualization - Collective Behaviour (D), Decision Sciences (E)
Phone: +49 7531 88 3161Post office box: 78
Website Write an e-mailDr. Eda Keremoglu-Waibler
Postdoc, "Communication, Networks and Contention" Research Group - Politics and Public Administrations (C2), Inequality (F)
Phone: +49 7531 88-3092Room: D346
Website Write an e-mailProf. Dr. Axel Kind
Chair of Corporate Finance - Economics (C1), Decision Sciences (E)
Phone: +49 7531 88 3951Post office box: 141
Website Write an e-mailapl. Prof. Dr. Christoph Kleineidam
Chair of Neurobiology - Biology (A1), Collective Behaviour (D)
Phone: +49 7531 88-4407Post office box: 623
Website Write an e-mailProf. Dr. Sebastian Koos
Professors in Sociology with a Focus on Social Movements - Sociology (B2), Decision Sciences (E), Inequality (F)
Phone: +49 7531 88-3003Room: D227
Website Write an e-mailProfessor mit Schwerpunkt Lehre Dr. Sven Kosub (HD)
Adjunct Professor, Theory of Computing Working Group - Decision Sciences (E)
Phone: +49 7531 88 5263Post office box: 67
Website Write an e-mailProf. Dr. Florian Kunze
Chair of Organisational Studies - Politics and Public Administrations (C2), Decision Sciences (E), Inequality (F)
Phone: +49 7531 88-2355Room: D235
Website Write an e-mailProf. Dr. Tanja Kupisch
Chair for Romance Linguistics - Linguistics (B1), Inequality (F)
Phone: +49 7531 88-4894Post office box: 189
Website Write an e-mailProf. Dr. Michael Kupper
Chair of Probability Theory and Mathematical Finance - Statistics (A4), Decision Sciences (E)
Phone: +49 7531 88 2146Post office box: 126
Website Write an e-mailDr. Thomas Kurer
Research Group Leader, „The Politics of Labour Market Inequality and Occupational Mobility“ - Politics and Public Administrations (C2), Inequality (F)
Phone: +49 7531 88-5031Room: Y 307
Post office box: 94
Website Write an e-mailPD Dr. Jürgen Lerner
Research Group Leader, "Statistical analysis of structural balance in signed social networks" - Decision Science (E)
Phone: +49 7531 88 4039Room: PZ1006
Post office box: 67
Website Write an e-mailProf. Dr. Stefan Leue
Chair for Software and Systems Engineering - Collective Behaviour (D)
Phone: +49 7531 88 2893Post office box: 67
Website Write an e-mailProf. Dr. Dirk Leuffen
Chair of Political Science and International Politics - Politics and Public Administrations (C2), Decision Sciences (E), Inequality (F)
Phone: +49 7531 88 2924Post office box: 83
Website Write an e-mailDr. Thomas Malang
Emmy Noether Research Group Leader " The Foreign Relations of National Legislatures" Politics and Public Administration (C2), Inequality (F)
Phone: +49 7531 88-2466Room: D 208
Post office box: 82
Website Write an e-mailProf. Dr. Theodoros Marinis
Chair of Multilingualism - Linguistics (B1), Inequality (F)
Phone: +49 7531 88-2726Website Write an e-mail
Jun.-Prof. Stephan Maurer Ph.D.
Junior Professor for Labour Economics - Economics (C1), Decision Sciences (E), Inequality (F)
Phone: +49 7531 88-4183Post office box: 124
Website Write an e-mailProf. Dr. Ines Mergel
Professor of Public Administration / Digital Governance - Politics and Public Administrations (C2)
Phone: +49 7531 88 3553Post office box: 93
Write an e-mailProf. Dr. Stefan Niemann
Chair of Macroeconomics - Economics (C1), Decision Sciences (E)
Phone: +49 7531 88-5120Room: F223
Website Write an e-mailJun.-Prof. Dr. Tatjana Petrov
Junior Professor for Modeling of Complex, Self-organising Systems - Collective Behaviour (D)
Phone: +49 7531 88-4565Room: Z923
Post office box: 67
Website Write an e-mailProf. Dr. Jens Prüßner
Head of Clinical Psychology - Psychology (A3), Collective Behaviour (D)
Phone: +49 7531 88-5700Website Write an e-mail
Prof. Dr. Ulf-Dietrich Reips
Chair of Psychological Methods - Psychology (A3), Collective Behaviour (D), Decision Sciences (E), Inequality (F)
Phone: +49 7531 88-2564Room: D601
Website Write an e-mailProf. Dr. Harald Reiterer
Chair of Human-Computer Interaction - Collective Behaviour (D)
Phone: +49 7531 88-3704Post office box: 73
Website Write an e-mailProf. Dr. Britta Renner
Chair of Psychological Assessment and Health Psychology - Psychology (A3), Collective Behaviour (D)
Phone: +49 7531 88-4679Room: G524
Website Write an e-mailProf. Dr. Gerald Schneider
Chair of International Politics - Politics and Public Administrations (C2), Decision Sciences (E), Inequality (F)
Phone: +49 7531 88-2608Room: D233
Website Write an e-mailProf. Dr. Almuth Scholl
Chair of International Macroeconomics - Economics (C1), Decision Sciences (E), Inequality (F)
Phone: +49 7531 88 3615Post office box: 132
Website Write an e-mailProf. Dr. Falk Schreiber
Chair for Life Science Informatics - Collective Behaviour (D)
Phone: +49 7531 88 3460Post office box: 76
Website Write an e-mailProf. Dr. Stephan Schumann
Chair of Business and Economics Education II - Economics (C1), Inequality (F)
Phone: +49 7531 88 2192Post office box: 123
Website Write an e-mailProf. Dr. Harald Schupp
Head of General & Biological Psychology - Psychology (A3), Collective Behaviour (D)
Phone: +49 7531 88-2504Room: C539
Website Write an e-mailProf. Dr. Guido Schwerdt
Chair of Public Economics - Economics (C1), Decision Sciences (E), Inequality (F)
Phone: +49 7531 88 2218Post office box: 133
Website Write an e-mailProf. Dr. Peter Selb
Chair of Survey Research - Politics and Public Administrations (C2), Decision Sciences (E), Inequality (F)
Phone: +49 7531 88 2321Post office box: 85
Website Write an e-mailProf. Dr. Susumu Shikano
Chair of Political Methodology - Politics and Public Administrations (C2), Decision Sciences (E)
Phone: +49 7531 88-3679Room: D304
Website Write an e-mailProf. Dr. Gabriele Spilker
Professor of International Politics & Global Inequality - Politics and Public Administrations (C2), Inequality (F)
Phone: +43 662 8044 6622Post office box: 94
Write an e-mailProf. Dr. Ulrike Stefani
Chair of Accounting - Economics (C1), Decision Sciences (E)
Phone: +49 7531 88 5251Post office box: 142
Website Write an e-mailAriana Strandburg-Peshkin Ph.D.
Research Group Leader, Max Planck Institute of Animal Behavior - Biology (A1), Collective Behaviour (D)
Phone: +49 7531 88 3546Post office box: 623
Website Write an e-mailProf. Dr. Susanne Strauß
Chair of Sociology with a Focus on Gender Studies - Sociology (B2), Inequality (F)
Phone: +49 7531 88 3952Post office box: 26
Website Write an e-mailJun.-Prof. Dr. Stephan Streuber
Juniorprofessor for Virtual Reality for Collective Behavior - Collective Behaviour (D)
Phone: +49 7531 88-4318Website Write an e-mail
Prof. Dr. Eva Thomann
Professor of Public Administration - Politics and Public Administrations (C2)
Phone: +49 7531 88-2320Post office box: 81
Write an e-mailProf. Dr. Daniel Thym LL.M.
Jean Monnet Chair of Public, European and International Law - Inequality (F)
Phone: +49 7531 88-2307Room: C439
Website Write an e-mailProf. Dr. Stefan Volkwein
Chair of Numerics - Statistics (A4), Collective Behaviour (D)
Phone: +49 7531 88-2374Room: Y103
Website Write an e-mailProf. Dr. Nils Weidmann
Communication, Networks and Contentation Research Group - Politics and Public Administrations (C2), Decision Sciences (E), Inequality (F)
Phone: +49 7531 88 5676Post office box: 84
Website Write an e-mailHon.-Prof. Dr. Martin Wikelski
Director of Max Planck Institute of Animal Behavior - Biology (A1), Collective Behaviour (D)
Phone: +49 7531 88 3480Post office box: 616
Website Write an e-mailProf. Dr. Rüdiger Wilhelmi
Chair of Private Law, Commercial Law, Company Law and Business Law as well as Comparative Law - Inequality (F)
Phone: +49 7531 88-3046Post office box: 104
Website Write an e-mailProf. Dr. Petra Wirtz
Head of Work & Health Psychology - Psychology (A3), Collective Behaviour (D)
Phone: +49 7531 88-3742Room: D518
Website Write an e-mailProf. Dr. Nikolay Zubanov
Chair of Organisational Economics - Economics (C1), Decision Sciences (E), Inequality (F)
Phone: +49 7531 88-2992Website Write an e-mail
Prof. Dr. Christina Zuber
Chair of German Politics and Public Administration - Politics and Public Administrations (C2), Decision Sciences (E), Inequality (F)
Phone: +49 7531 88-3374Room: C305
Post office box: 89
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